Ir HaShalom - עיר השלום - City of HaShalom
As prophesied by Bilam, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and others, Jerusalem’s name will be changed to ‘Ir HaShalom,’ ‘עיר השלום,’ ‘City of HaShalom.’ The Talmud Shabbat 10b identifies “HaShalom” as one of the Lord’s names; HaShalom connotes ‘The Completion’ or ‘The Peace.’ Thus, the new name implies the “City of God” and “City of Peace.”
Concurrently, Israel will be called ‘Ets HaShalom, ‘עץ השלום,’ ‘Tree of HaShalom.’
“City of God, Tsion, the Holy One of Israel”
The prophecy of Isaiah 60.14 states that “they shall call you City of the Lord, Tsion, the Holy One of Israel.” Traditionally, Israel, Jerusalem, and Tsion were used interchangeably. However, after the prophesied name change and as the borders of current Jerusalem expand, the distinction of “Holy” will exclusively refer to the ‘new’ Jerusalem, ‘Ir HaShalom.’
Star - Ester - Daughter of Tsion (Gematria 661)
The standard gematria of ‘עיר השלום,’ (‘Ir HaShalom’) is 661 — the first superstar prime and the 8th star prime number — equal to “Ester” (אסתר, star). It alludes to the Persian Queen Ester and fulfills Zachariah 2:14 prophecy, “Daughter of Tsion,” at the end of the Persian exile. The abjad value of Ester «استر» is also 661. Nevertheless, the gematria of “End time” (עֵת קֵץ) as mentioned in Daniel 12:9 + Kolel (1,א) is also 661.
“At the beginning created God” - Ir HaShalom - Jerusalem - Israel
Repatriation of Shekhina (Gematria 661)
Note: The standard gematria of ‘Ets HaShalom’ (541) + ‘Ir HaShalom’ (661) = 1202, equal to ‘At the beginning created God’ (בראשית_ברא_אלהים=1202=עיר_השלום+עץ_השלום). Also, 1202 = Torah (תורה) 611 + Prophets (נביאים) 113 + Writings (כתובים) 478 >> Tanakh (תנ”ך). This phenomenon reaffirms to the commentary of Rashi on Bereshit 1:1.
Indicated in Talmud
The Tanakh does not have vowels (nekudot) marked, which creates ambiguity and allows for multiple interpretations of the written text. The suggested name, Ir HaShalom, fulfills both of the interpretations discussed in Talmud Bava Batra 75b.4 for the term ״שמה״(SMH ) mentioned in Ezekiel 48:35 (see below): “And the name of the city from that day shall be, the Lord is there [shamma].” Do not read the word as “there” [shamma; שָׁמָּה]; rather, read it as: The Lord is its name [shemah; שְׁמָהּ].
Last Prophecy of Ezekiel
Ezekiel 48:35
ושם העיר מיום יהוה שָׁמָּה
ושם העיר מיום יהוה שְׁמָהּ
Prophecy of Bilam
Bamidbar 24:17
דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל
A Short Explanation on “A star rises from Jacob”
Stars - Guiding Light in the Darkness
The Seven-branch Menorah (Gematria 661)
Light Unto the Nations - Menorah
Sarah - Cloud of Light - City of Light
Queen Ester was a reincarnation of the matriarch Sarah, who lived 127 years. The standard gematria of Sarah (שרה) 505 + Tsion (ציון) 661 = 156. Akin the Mishkan (tabernacle), Sarah’s tent was graced with the “Cloud of Light.”
Sarah, the Shabbat Queen: “Listen to Her Voice”
The Nazis, Sara, and Israel
On 1938-08-17, the Nazis forced all Jews without distinct Jewish names to add Sara (for women) and Israel (for men) to their names on all legal documents. [Source: Die Zweite Namensänderungsverordnung vom 17. August 1938, RGBl I, 1044]
Israel, Jerusalem, City of David - Tsion
Repatriation of Shekhinah to Jerusalem
Shekhinah, The Shabbat Queen
As per the mystical level of various sources such as the book of Ester and the hymn, Lekha Dodi, which is sung every Friday night to usher in Shabbat, the return of Shekhinah triggers the “feminization” of the world (‘FEMOCRATIA’) accompanied by a radical change in the status of women (‘CSW’). Thus, this phenomenon initiates the cosmic Shabbat, ushering in the era of universal peace (‘FEMININE PEACE’).
Zakhariah’s 2:14 prophecy
The portion in the Prophets (Haftarah) begins, “Sing and rejoice daughter of Tsion, behold I will come and dwell in your midst.” The Jewish people here are called the “daughter of Tsion.” The haftarah continues with two prophecies—first about Joshua, the High Priest, and second about the golden menorah.
Menorah, The Emblem of Ir HaShalom
Ir HaShalom’s standard gematria of 661 is also equal to הנרות, meaning ‘the lamps.’ This phenomenon refers to the seven-branched candelabrum, the Menorah (המנורה), and various associated prophecies such as Zechariah 4:2 “The lamps on it are seven in number, and the lamps above it have-a seven pipes;” Zechariah 4:10 “Those seven are the eyes of the LORD, ranging over the whole earth” (‘SEVEN BRANCH’) as well as Isaiah 42:6 mandating the Jewish people be “a light unto the nations.” (See ‘LetmyPeopleLight’ and ‘313’)
Gematria 65
In addition to Adonai אדני “My Lord,” 65 is likewise the standard gematria of various other phenomena such as Mezuzah (מזוזה), Heikhal (היכל), the sum of the dates the “Book of Ester” can be recited (Megillah 2a), and the sum of the dates from when Moses commanded the people of Israel to build the Mishkan until the “Clouds of Glory” returned, namely, on Sukkot, when God’s dwelling amongst us is celebrated.
Our Guardian and Generator
65 is the standard gematria of Mezuzah (מזוזה), a container fixed on doorways with an enclosed parchment inscribed with Torah verses of “Shema Israel” (שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל), “Listen, O Israel, the Lord (is) our God, the Lord is One.” The holy name of God, שדי “Shaddai,” written on the back of the parchment, is an acronym “Shomer Delathoth Israel” (Guardian of the doorways of Israel). Founded on the concept of “unbounded inheritance” (Bereshit 28:14), ‘all the families of the earth will be blessed,’ by Jacob’s descendants. However, the term mezuzah is also associated with the verb zaz (זז), ‘to move, to progress.’ In mystical sources, this concept is referred to as ‘the force that makes everything progress by virtue that it is fixed.’
Heikhal (Sanctuary)
King David Ben Gurion
History of Jerusalem
Jerusalem became the capital city of the Jewish people during King David’s reign. It was conquered twice in antiquity, first by the Babylonians in 587 BCE and the second time by the Romans in 70 CE. However, on 1967-06-07 (28th of Iyar, 5727), in the course of the Six-Day War, east Jerusalem was liberated and reunited.
Jerusalem Day
The Beginning of the End
The Final Redemption
The quality for Jerusalem day is ‘Khesed Sheb’ Malkhut,’ loving-kindness within God’s Kingdom and Presence — affirming the “repatriation of Shekhinah to Jerusalem” — thus, the name change to ‘Ir HaShalom’ institutes the final stage of the Redemption.
The Authentic Shield of David (Magen David; מגן דויד)
The combination of ‘Khesed She’b Malkhut’ represents the authentic Magen Abrahm (Shield of Abraham) and Magen David (Shield of David). Abrahm is identified with Khesed, the fourth Sefirah of ten Sefirot, and David with Malkhut, the tenth Sefirah. (See DVYD)
ISO Alpha 2 and ccTLD
‘Ir HaShalom’ ccTLD and ISO Alpha 2 become ‘IH,’ which reflects different abbreviations. The standard gematria of ‘עה’ (IH) is 75. In Bereshit 12:1, God commands Abrahm: “Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” At the age of 75 years, Abrahm sets out on his journey to the Promised Land. Abrahm, the first ‘Tsionist,’ was born in the Jewish Calendar year 1948. The modern state of Israel was reborn in the Gregorian calendar year 1948, and after completing 75 years on 2024-05-14, its name will be changed eventually, Iy” H (‘Im Yirtzeh HaShalom,’ “God willing”).
ISO Alpha 3
Ir HaShaloms ISO Alpha 3 becomes ‘IHS’ ‘ע ה ש,’ which is also the abbreviation of “עלכם השלום,” with standard gematria of 541, and it means “Peace be upon you,” «عَلَيْكُمُ السَّلَام.» Whereby the missing letter “Yud” of “עלכם” (upon you) corresponds to the “Yud” added to Hosea’s name, changing it from “Hosea” to “Yahoshua” (“God will save”), akin to the “Yud” that will transform David’s Name from דוד (DVD) to דויד (DVYD) as explain in DVYD. Derived from the first three letters of the Koine Greek term ΙΗΣΟΥΣ, the Hellenized form of the Biblical Hebrew יֵשׁוּעַ (Yeshua), some churches have used “IHS” as a monogram.